West Virginia Center for Civic Life Logo


The West Virginia Center for Civic Life is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization that helps engage our citizens in community discussions of important public issues that affect our state and nation.

Think. Deliberate. Act.

'All great changes begin in conversation' -- Juanita Brown

●  If you've ever thought you had no voice in your community . . .

●  If you've ever wondered how others see a common problem . . .

●  If you want to engage in productive discussions rather than divisive debates . . .

●  If you want to see democracy
in action . . .

Become involved in the work of the
West Virginia Center for Civic Life!

Why talk?

The goal behind community dialogue is not merely to draw a crowd and fill a room with opinionated people. The purpose is much bigger and more powerful. When people talk together about common concerns, they take ownership of problems. They talk about what they can do, not just what others ought to do. They act out of a sense of mission and passion. Communities in a democracy are healthier when citizens are doing the work of citizens.

Resource Guide on
Public Engagement

The National Coalition for Dialogue & Deliberation is a network of 1,300 groups and professionals who bring people together to discuss, decide and collaborate on today’s toughest issues. They have recently created a guide to share stories and resources about effective public engagement through dialogue and deliberation. Download a free copy here.